Love is the Eternal Connection!!

Monday with Hiah Park
November 21, 2017



“Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.”

__ Rumi __


Let’s ask ourselves, “What do we need to change, profound change, in order to bring Element of Love, Creativity and Greater Abundance in our Hearts and Element of stability in our Lives and all relationships ?”



Experience deep lessons from the higher Power, the “Source”, it requires deeply honest with higher self and transcend our self-limitation toward better and positive communication with our shadows by using our Energy Wisely.



On Thursday, 24 of November, we have Thanksgiving Day!!



Love is the Eternal Connection.
I hope we will experience Greater Understanding that this Love is the driving Force of our Life. To awaken to this profound truth within us is our purpose and our promise!!