Hiahs Blog

Eternal Dance of Evolutional Soul

September 24 & October 1, 2018


We are entering Sun in Libra, sign of Harmony & Balance. And we entered powerful Fall Equinox on 22 of September, hit the mid point of equal day, equal night.
On September 24, we have Aries Full Moon. And in the sky, we have Mars Squaring Uranus, it means restless period, erratic, rebellious energy running through us really digging up our old wounds and bring us healing force forward many layers of onion of our past. This Full Moon can Illuminate our old wounds bring us powerful Healing Journey. Healing our sexual energy, oppression and sexual trauma. Sexuality is more than just pleasure or having fun and sleep with whoever or mere reproduction. Sexuality is fundamental creative force in us. Healing our sense of soul’s Innocence and divine flow and Healing our Victim mentality, and deeper sense of who we are as individual and come out from hiding, and Healing our confident. At the same time it is opportunity to purging out our old wounds to surface so we can clean up and actualize our deeper desires into reality.
It has been very interesting time, the eternal dance of Light & Darkness, Masculine & Feminine, and Positive & Negative, Inside and Outside, Yin & Yang. We are living in polarizing dualistic reality back and forth. It is not about good and bad, right and wrong, it is about what it is, we are creating, according to what we need.. It has been very big time of Alchemical year, if you recognize it, very intense period of Chaos; ”The Dance of Darkness and Light” hit each other as big bomb: the old have to be destroyed yet the new is not born yet. We have been slap repeatedly, and life is trying to wake up us from illusion and asking us, “Stand up straight, getting ourselves together, in terms of, “Who are you?”, ”Can I trust you?”, “ Are you good or bad?”, there has been lot of evaluation going on between us. Are you evolved enough?
This long night of “Dark Night of Soul”, as old mythical symbol, the Serpent is eating it’s own tail.
This has been very intense year, “Alchemy of Transformation” through “Death and Resurrection”, we have been walk through the valley of darkness. Light shown upon through darkness, for those ready to transform their life. It has been big year of transformation, if you willing to recognize the Light of Spirit, the Unity Consciousness of Celestial world. “Light & Dark” make love together, coming together and create new birth, re-emergence of getting into new beginning. After the dark night, Sun needs to be rise. We need to Master ourselves, our Values, “Who am I?”, “What are my Priority?”, Of Eternal Dance of “Evolutional Soul”. “Do I lost in temporal impermanence?”, or “Do I look for the Eternal?” We are on the “Cycle of time”.
Hopefully we are evolved into “New “Person”. We created ourselves “Who I am?” into new person after these intense Eclipse Season. It is time for us pushing through as New birth, it is time for us Liberation from old dysfunctional self. Let go of past, and ready for New Relationship with Evolved Authentic New Self.


New Moon in Virgo

September 3 & 10, 2018

We are in the month of Virgo season. Virgo is representing High Priestess, she is connect to Earth, she is Medicine Woman, she is tune with her body and create Master Piece with her Life.
This begins with Self and focus on Self healing, to be strong and confident.
The key words here is “Relationship”
Relationship is big theme going on this summer, 2018.
Lots of reflecting and reviewing what we value, what we sharing, what we cherishing our value with others and the world around and finding balance and harmony in relationship. And asking the questions;
Is this relationship actually supported mutually, actually functioning healthy and harmoniously allows us come together more intimately as well as well sharing our own uniqueness individual gifts without conflicts and disturbance?
New moon in Virgo on September 9, is very nurturing, practical grounding and beautiful supportive energy to improve our selves to heal, fix, solve and more efficient in highest form. It is looking for simplicity, looking for solutions, and looking for where we need to go, for crystal clear direction. It also looking for Cleanliness, clear the excess clutters in your house, in your head what you need to be simplify so we can focus what we need to be prioritize. This beautiful New Moon energy urging us forward and comeback to ourselves and notice what we need to do and take care of ourselves.
This New Moon has powerful support from outer planet Pluto. Pluto trine Sun and Moon, it gives us powerful download of support. It has been difficult process of transformative inner work you’ve been doing, Pluto support us feeling grounding and stability in our body, in our sense of purpose, bring us sense of new strength. Pluto is representing Soul’s Evolution, how you are mastering brand newness to your Soul. This is acknowledgement energy, Pluto is saying to us Transformation is happening to you, and you are supported new version of Self.
Honoring what you’ve been working through during three eclipses season in this summer, we will start to feel integration of Self as grounded reality really who you are now. Addition to this, Sun and Moon are receiving from Jupiter in Scorpio energy. Jupiter also represent Transformation, saying to us, “you are strong enough” keep the positive energy and balance humanness and spiritual being. Jupiter is teaching us the wisdom to Sense the grounded support in the higher realm.
For this you need to relax and letting go of old habits of the survival fears.
Let go and Let God allow us trust and surrendering to the receptive mode.
Allow the divine support coming from huge cosmic spectrum of Divine Light. Regain clarity, sense of direction and communication by reflecting sense of individual purpose, sense of specialness, with your own unique identity, truly gifted who you are. This feeling of specialness, sense of uniqueness of who you are, will help you finding connection, and illuminate your sense of purpose. We wake up every day with sense of reason to be live, and having sense of energy to be alive and it will gives us sense of connecting bigger than our selves,.
It will give us sense of adventurous being as human being, As Contributing unique self expression, finding sense of service allows us feel more fulfillment.
Other lovely energy here is Grand trine on Earth sign energy, with giant triangle. It brings us different vibration in our body and getting stuff done. It brings us New Reflection of Self. Honoring this Change, and Commitment, we will Feel Fresh Feel Open Ourself, Feel New Possibility and Ankering Our Dreams and Visions, start to have Healthy Diet and Healthy Routine.
We are not doing old way, rather ahead of time forward thinking, or humanitarian in nature, evoke more sense of excitement and sense of purpose guaranteed more success, by willing to take risk something doing differently, improve better way doing things, healthy relationship with Life itself.

Hope this New Moon in Virgo bring us:

Manifestation of Prosperity.

Manifestation of Healthy Relationship.

Feeling of Satisfaction & Content.

Feeling of Appreciation.

Experience of Divine Rapture.

Feel the Presence of Love


Monday with Hiah Park
August 20 & 27, 2018


This week we are entering into Sun in Virgo and Full Moon in Pisces on August 26.
This Full Moon Energy shows us power of gentleness and kindness and peace within. By listening quiet whispering intuitive inner voice. We need to take some quiet time to raise our higher perspective in order to spire up to next dimension spiritually. This Full Moon Energy will bring us positive surprise and very powerful wonder, if we are ready. This mystical Piscean energy will remind us, we are not only physical being but as much as we are Spiritual Being. It is good time to reflect and ask yourself, “Where you are now in your spiritual path?” It is energy of Illumination, and heightened awareness of personal spiritual evolution. What did we learn last 12 months previous cycle? Now you are ready to go on next level. You can find a peace within, by Accept what it is and moving forward. Be quietness in humanness will assist us our dark side of fears, deep down resentment, doubts of shadow side to surrender to the bigger purpose of our life. It will stretch us into vastness of Spiritual Realm. Planet Jupiter is helping us to see our higher self of bigger picture, and learning wisdom from shadow side of unconscious part in us. Discovering hidden talents bring into the light and continuing to expand to the higher dimension. Here we need to have mental strength, despite of our fears to support this process. New understanding who you are, clear understanding what is your value, and self worth.
Moon Sextile with Saturn and Uranus, all in harmony position during this Full Moon, creating shape of kite. This kite is lifting us up to where you want to soar. Where do you want to soar up with easy and grace in Soul level, toward the Universal Self.
Uranus brings out our Subconscious memory and desire to deconditioning from Saturnian constructs and release from construction. This release triggers for transformation, Liberation, Freedom. It will become blue print to your future self, to free from social, familial, religious, educational, career boundaries and restrictions and breaking new ground. This will lead us place of healing and awakening and liberation. And learn to breathe air and ideas that we want to journey back to our own bigger Self who has connection to the Ultimate Whole with Divine Source Within. Uranus invites us to use our own authority, free from the basis of our resume, and credentials and asking for liberation, for resolution. And it is time to be awaken, shake our vibratory field, and integrate and heal and allow ourselves to be free which no longer serves us.
It is cycle of uplift, Uranus reminds us go beyond Survival, and vision your dream much bigger. Remembering our own value and interconnectedness of all life and share with Gaia, Mother Earth and whole humanity. We are arrived and preparing the Aquarian Age with Uranus in Taurus.
Uranus is our liberator and future self. It may shock us from the Taurean comfort zone, but it can be channeled and allow ourselves attuned to our own nature by increased awareness of our own vibratory field. During this transition through Taurus, we can practice grounding the genius that comes through Uranus and release the shaky energy of our past trauma and practice to channel the energy and release the excess. In our higher mind, the lightening of Uranus can be channeled, instead of burning house down, it make pure inspirational electricity in our nervous system.
Uranus energy appear as trauma, shock, awe, liberation, alienation, however, we can allow ourselves to perceive as pure inspiration leading into a full, and a conscious life.


Let this Pisces Full Moon bring to us:
Absence of hatred
Absence of harm
Feel the Presence of Love
Presence of Stability
Presence of Well-Being
Promise of Joyful Journey
The Promise of Exhilaration & Bliss !!

Summer - Eclipse


AUGUST 6 & 13, 2018


This summer, we are having three Eclipse. Cancer Solar Eclipse on July 11, Aquarius Total Lunar Eclipse on July 27, and Leo Solar Eclipse on August 11.
Moon’s Nodes are going through Aquarius and Leo.
It’s been wild ride, fast moving pace of change. Eclipse are most powerful transit you can experience and major completion in your life. We are also having summer of Retrograde. Mercury, Saturn, Mars, Pluto, Neptune, and Chiron are moving backward and Uranus will join them on August 7. It means 6 Planets are reversing at the time of Eclipse on August 11. It is incredible reverse energy. It is very unique Leo New Moon. Leo rules Heart, rules children, include your inner child, your soul. Leo is about Leadership, creativity, being Authentic and true to your Nature and desire to express your truth. Leo teaches us living from our Heart and Passion. It is time to ask, “What does our heart want?” “Where is our passion?” This Eclipse can be really stirs up our hearts. It is time to deeper looking at these questions.
Pluto urges us changes, rebirth in all things, in our work, in our identity, in our finances, in our relationship, in our career, in our health. It brings cosmic message for you during time of Eclipse. It is our destiny to make it happen because hand of God is directing you during this time. It is very important time to clean up our negative Ego and take time to listen Divine message.
We need to Be patient, Be humble, and Pay attention to the signs come to you, prepare move on to the next level. Get out in the nature and listen to your soul and Inner child, listen when God is talking to you directly during this Solar Eclipse.
It is best time to let go of which is no longer serving you, and it is time to plant the seed into fertile ground.
It will be fun ride if you go with flow, and stay out of drama coming from egotistic selfish emotions.
We are living in the time of waking up and preparing for the birth of Aquarian Age.
Mars squares Uranus, this intense energy triggers it can provoke our tempers, specially those people who are really angry.
People can be over reacting to the smallest things. Make sure you get plenty rest because this energy can really burn you out. Be vulnerable to experience Mystery of Life.
Personal relationship may be under the gun during August month with Mercury retrograde in Leo. Leo rules heart, in the area of romance and true love. The relationships are very challenge at this time of Eclipse. We could misunderstand our partner, easily misunderstand and argument with nothing. Be aware of what’s pushing your button, and why you are reacting the way you are. It is very stubborn energy, because all these inflexibility of fixed signs.
Important message of this month is Living from your heart, and true to yourself, no matter what situations you are in.
Mercury retrograde gives us chance to reflect, review and remember our lessons:
Be observer of your life, and rise above your drama and recognize you are the creator of your own life and your own happiness.
Be flexible and adaptable during these ocean of chaos and change, and mindset to grow through pain and suffering instead of victimization of self pity.
With this positive attitude, life is supporting me and guiding me, and improve myself, becoming better people.


Gently, gracefully, expand our awareness and our limitations.


Death & Rebirth, it is Huge period of Transformation.
It is Very Big Time.
Hopefully we are able to shift from “Head” to “Heart”. So we are able to seeing from the higher dimension.


Enjoy Vitality,
Sense of Freshness,
Bring new Light
Deep into your Heart!!!



Be Spiritual Warrior!!

Monday with Hiah Park
April 9 & 16, 2018


Month of April, we have very powerful active New Moon in Aries on 15 of April. We are all “Awakening” with sense of new direction and clarify our soul’s purpose with heart, mind connection.
It will bring us breaking free from our habitual old box of limitation and allow us to flow with cosmic surfing, and consciously raise our frequencies and ride higher wave of dimension with free will.
Recognizing we are more holistically interconnected more unified within. As we understanding purpose of our life, we are initiating new realities and allow us everything become creative play, creating joyful life in every aspect of our life with new level of understanding, while we are going through cathartic experiences.
There are strong influences of planets, Saturn, Pluto, Chiron and Uranus. Sun squaring Pluto means, it is time for change and powerful way breakthrough transformation of our anxieties, fears by learn how to use this powerful energy for deeper alignment of inside out, like a pressure cooker. Driven by unconscious feelings from past. Respecting and honoring our individual souls, pain and suffering of life and our wounded in the past (Collective suffering of the world; Existential fear, addiction, workaholic, escapism) bring awareness our lost of innocence, victim feelings which is not perfect. Good news here is, we realize, we need to change!!
It lead us into deeper awakening true purpose of life__this “Divine Discontent” toward serious Healing and Spirituality.
As we feeling pains, it allows us to purge and lead us to evolutionary soul’s journey. Even in this pain, in a poetic sense, we can feel there is Heart felt Love.
There is beautiful Juice of Blissful Ecstasy!!


Surrender to this Process of Life, Blissful Spectrum of Passion and Reawaken, Reborn, allow us, “Death & Rebirth”, as Phoenix, Moving Forward.
It is time to act bold action and time to reunite soul family, to help Divine Feminine Light.
It is very powerful productive Awakening Period.
Let us make this Earth into Natural Blissful Place to live!!


Be Spiritual Warrior!!


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